Confusion Chaos in Life? Take the Authenticty Challenge…

Take the Authenticity Challenge Below

Take the Authenticity Challenge Below

With the eyes of a child what do you see? The archatype of humans is powerless to nature — and this program is like the dilusion and separation of science and religion and the very strongest division in our unconscious reality. And the dark side of it is…

Wait for it → Sensationilsm — Whenever anybody is saying really, really nice things about you, or really, really horrible things, it’s just sensationalism.”

Sensationalism is a type of editorial bias in mass media in which events and topics in news stories and pieces are overhyped to present biased impressions on events, which may cause a manipulation to the truth of a story. Sensationalism may include reporting about generally insignificant matters and events that do not influence overall society and biased presentations of newsworthy topics in a trivial or tabloid manner contrary to the standards of professional journalism.

Authentic Truth — 11 Characteristic Quiz

Authentic Truth — 11 Characteristic Quiz

Authentic Truth — 11 Characteristic Quiz - Does this resonates with your inner self?

#1 — You recognize the emptiness in material things

You are not buying with the hope that it will make you happy. While you may enjoy material things, you don’t see it as “If I just have this one item, then I’ll be happy”. You also don’t rate other people based on the material items that they have or don’t have because they know it doesn’t hold much meaning.

#2 — You recognize that experiences give your life true abundance.

You are aware of how life experiences create more meaning and richness in your life. You are open to explore and learn, whole-heartedly and both externally and internally.

#3 — You truly listen to others

You don’t listen in order to respond. You don’t listen to others while being distracted by your phone, the TV or whatever else may be a distraction. You’re able to be fully Be Here Now; present with and engaged with others(tapping in). You are able to listen to others with a genuine interest and care for everyone around you; with unconditional respect and unity.

#4 — You express you true thoughts, feelings and views unapologetically

You don’t say things that you don’t truly mean. You don’t do things that you don’t really want to do. You are able to share your own unique thoughts, feelings and views without fear of other’s opinions.

#5 — You’re not out to please people

You know that by living your life to please others all the time disconnects you from your own inner experience. You know the importance of being aware, acknowledging, and expressing your own unique thoughts, feelings and views to the world. You know that by expressing your true internal experience, you are able to share your gifts with the world.

#6 — You see value in giving love to others

You see value in giving love and kindness indiscriminately. You understand that we are all connected and are willing to give others a helping hand. You know that by helping others, you are helping yourself. You allow and encourage others to express their own truth with love and acceptance as well.

#7 — You love yourself

You see yourself as a person of value who deserves love, kindness and support. You provide yourself with adequate care to support your own health and well-being.

#8 — You are willing to see and acknowledge your own faults

You are aware that we are all wounded and may have various prejudices. You don’t judge others and prejudices, but rather see it as a part of our own own inner wounding that has yet to be healed. You know that there are aspects of ourselves that we don’t like to see, and we are willing to swallow the ego and acknowledge these parts regardless.

#9 — You understand that we are all unique — and that’s okay!

You know that not everyone is going to agree on everything all the time. You are accepting of differing views and opinions. You don’t label yourself as “right” and another person as “wrong” or visa versa.

#10 — You take responsibility for your life

You don’t blame other people for what happens to them in your life. You take personal responsibility for how you’re actions created a certain outcome. You are willing to look at how you influence each and every situation and act accordingly.

#11 — You’re connected to your own inner guide

You’ve been able to clear your mind of the constant mind chatter in order to hear an inner voice that is greater, Your Authentic Truth; Higher I AM SELF! You are able to act in accordance to your inner guidance with trust and faith, and eventually muscle testing along with external validation.

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Inner Alchemy Institute ™

Neil Ryan Dumra is a health-centered love coach, writer, spiritual guide and inner alchemist practioner and teacher. He is the founder of and the facilitor of many profound courses — 100 Days To Ignite Your Inner CobraGENE KEYS — GOLDEN PATH, and the Inner Alchemy Institute ™ his mission is to help humans create more whole hearted connections first with self, through self realization and genetic, life, past life and patterns within relationships and most importantly themselves. Click here for her Free Consultation and Relationship Healing Alchemical training and weekly updates. To learn about how you can work with Neil and his team, click here.

Connect with her on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram!

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