Imagine Expansion, Grounded Liberation.

Imagine harnessing the most powerful energy on the planet and using it to achieve your goals.

Imagine healing the darkest places in yourself. The places that you hide and wish would go away. The places that you don’t want anyone to know about.

Imagine boundless energy.

Imagine every moment a union with the cosmos.

Imagine the embodiement of love and transcending the physical plane.

Imagine being all that you are here to be.

Imagine integrating body, mind and spirit.

The sacred tantric texts give us teachings on how to embody and experience all of this.

This is our destiny. This is our birthright.

We have the choice to create a new future.

As we journey through 100 Days to Igniting our Inner Cobra, we will cover many terrains.

We’ve been given physical bodies as temples for our souls as we journey through this lifetime.  Let’s investigate how to care for them optimally.

If left unprocessed, our emotions can run our lives. Let’s dig deep and clear what no longer serves us.

Let us tap in to our highest selves and experience the path that our soul has chosen for us.

The Mahavatar Babaji gave us the Cobra Breath. Let us experience this gift and see what unfolds for us each individually and collectively.

Coming together collectively amplifies our efforts.

Join us weekly on Tuesday nights from 8pm to 10pm in south central Austin.

Be a part of our private FaceBook group and process your experiences and celebrate your clearings together throughout the week.

Strengthen your practice with daily, at home rituals.

Be a part of 15 minute individual coaching calls with Neil every thirty, sixty and ninety days.

Receive access to weekly tantric videos created just for you by Neil

Dance and drink cacao and celebrate 100 days of transformation.

Develop deep, supportive friendships.

Develop deep self –love.

This is a safe place.

Sexuality will be addressed.

We expect that only mature adults will apply for this course.

We are bringing these teachings from a place of consciousness and high vibration.

Our intention is to help heal sexual wounding and create space for sexual awakening to occur.

Every participant will be treated with utmost respect so that this can occur.

This is a clothing on, hands off course. Any touching that occurs will be between you and your own perfect, beautiful body.

Blossom into your radiance!

Empower yourself to create your own destiny!

Have fun while you’re doing it!

Purification and Pleasure.

The keys to the Universe.

$999 - With early Bird Specials recieve $100 off, and $50 for each referral

Payment Plans Also Available

Purchase tickets here: 

We do have Early Bird Discounts and Payment Plans Available.  Contact Neil Ryan Dumra directly if you have any questions or concerns.

100 Days to ignite your inner cobra™ Course Starts Sept 25, 2018
from $199.00

100 Days to ignite your inner cobra™ Course Starts Sept 25, 2018

Imagine Expansion, Grounded Liberation.

Imagine harnessing the most powerful energy on the planet and using it to achieve your goals.

Imagine healing the darkest places in yourself. The places that you hide and wish would go away. The places that you don’t want anyone to know about.

Imagine boundless energy.

Imagine every moment a union with the cosmos.

Imagine making love and transcending the physical plane.

Imagine being all that you are here to be.

Imagine integrating body, mind and spirit.

The sacred tantric texts give us teachings on how to embody and experience all of this.

This is our destiny. This is our birthright.

We have the choice to create a new future.

As we journey through 100 Days to Igniting our Inner Cobra, we will cover many terrains.

We’ve been given physical bodies as temples for our souls as we journey through this lifetime.  Let’s investigate how to care for them optimally.

If left unprocessed, our emotions can run our lives. Let’s dig deep and clear what no longer serves us.

Let us tap in to our highest selves and experience the path that our soul has chosen for us.

The Mahavatar Babaji gave us the Cobra Breath. Let us experience this gift and see what unfolds for us each individually and collectively.

Coming together collectively amplifies our efforts.

Join us weekly on Tuesday nights from 8pm to 10pm in central Austin.

Be a part of our private FaceBook group and process your experiences and celebrate your clearings together throughout the week.

Strengthen your practice with daily, at home rituals.

Be a part of 15 minute individual coaching call with Neil every thirty, sixty and ninety days.

Receive access to weekly tantric videos created just for you by Neil.

Dance and drink cacao and celebrate 100 days of transformation.

Develop deep, supportive friendships.

Develop deep self –love.

This is a safe place.

Sexuality will be addressed.

We expect that only mature adults will apply for this course.

We are bringing these teachings from a place of consciousness and high vibration.

Our intention is to help heal sexual wounding and create space for sexual awakening to occur.

Every participant will be treated with utmost respect so that this can occur.

This is a clothing on, hands off course. Any touching that occurs will be between you and your own perfect, beautiful body.

Blossom into your radiance!

Empower yourself to create your own destiny!

Have fun while you’re doing it!

Purification and Pleasure.

The keys to the Universe.

$999 includes Neil Ryan Dumra, 11 in-person group classes, access to our private FaceBook group with weekly check-ins and questions, three 15 minute private coaching calls, embodiment home practices, access to weekly tantric videos and a celebratory cacao dance party at the end of the 100 days!

Add To Cart

Applications due September 13. Course Starts September 25th.  

Let’s together transform our selves to transform our planet.

Let’s create intentions for the New Year in a space created to help us achieve them.

The time is now.

Let us rise together.

You are so beautiful.

You are an Infinite Universe.

You are creator and creation.

With all of the love in our hearts,



The link to the application is here: 

This needs to be received by Jaanuary 3 so that we can review it before classes start.

Recommended reading:
The Jewel in the Lotus

What we'll be covering in class plus much more:
*Recognize food as medicine and experience your body as a temple
*Babaji Tantric Meditation for activating sexual energy and clearing sexual blocks
*Tantric Breath for expanding your pleasure potential
*Orgasmic Awareness practice for cultivating sexual energy
*Deepening intimacy with Tantric Union Breathing
*Harness your sexual energy and use it to transform consciousness
*Awaken Your Inner Cobra with Babaji’s Cobra Breathe
*Rewrite your story and love the new you
*Advanced sexual health practices
*Heal sexual wounding
*Integrate your shadow side

This course is open to all levels and is beginner friendly! Couples, singles, all genders and sexual orientations are welcome.

About your facilitators:

3rd Eye Tonic was founded by chef and spiritualist Neil Dumra, a Minneapolis native who currently resides in beautiful Austin, Texas. Neil’s background is as a personal chef, tantric coach and health advocate and educator, he was raised by culturally rich grandparents who taught him valuable tools such as gardening, ayurveda, alchemy, various meditations and empathy. I am environmentally conscious healer who has a deep desire to heal the world with our collective passions that we all desires to share; Unity consciouness is a path to our collective evolution.